Friday, September 30, 2011

Odd ball problem: My first Javascript Program!

Check it out!

I'd be curious to know what you think...both in terms of the algorithm and the Javascript.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care

Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care:
Extremely revealing statistics on healthcare delivery in the US.
Even has data by hospital!

Paying for Attention

While it is very difficult to quantify the notion of attention it is nice to see this attempt by Esther Dyson.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Media about Media

The Open Thinking Wiki has lots of fun and informative videos about the way in which social media is changing our world.
Everything from the action packed five minutes of
"The Machine is Us/ing us" to the more cerebral and ominous "Manufacturing Consent".

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Big 8 Ride: Florence-Greve

Do this ride when you are in Florence!

It took me less than half a day, and was a welcome reprieve from the Firenze crowds.

Get your bike rental from here. They are extremely helpful!

InfoQ: Gregory Brown on the Ruby Mendicant University

InfoQ: Gregory Brown on the Ruby Mendicant University:

This is apprenticeship learning taken online.

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education | Pew Social & Demographic Trends

The Digital Revolution and Higher Education | Pew Social & Demographic Trends:

It appears as though the online learning revolution is more likely to come from outside the mainstream education establishment.

Happiness, Philosophy and Science -

Happiness, Philosophy and Science -

An excellent survey of "happiness" research. The most interesting question for me is whether or not one has to live a "useful" life in order to be happy. My sense is that one does, but clearly many would not occur.